3 Ways to Get Involved in Hindi’s Libraries and Give Back Through Books
Hindi’s Libraries co-founder Leslie Gang explains how parents and kids can get involved and give back this year.
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3. Host a Hindi's Libraries fundraiser.
Gang and Kanarfogel have to ship hundreds of boxes of books–so the money they’ve raised so far doesn’t cover everything. Your family can host a lemonade stand, bake sale, or any kind of fundraiser you can think of to get your community donating. All donations will go directly to shipping books to the organizations that need them!
Hindi’s Libraries has made a splash since its founding. Now, Disney sends the organization 1,000 new books per week–which is perfect for kids in hospitals and medical centers who need to handle only new books to stay healthy. But taking in that volume of books means Gang and Kanarfogel need all the help–in terms of manpower and finances–they can get.
Despite these challenges, Gang says Hindi’s Libraries is worth it.
“I get told a lot, ‘You must be crazy. You work full time, you’re raising kids, and you’re doing this,’” Gang says. “I’ll tell you this: When you see first hand that it’s so easy to make a difference, you just do it.”
To learn more about how you can give back through books this fall with your family, visit the Hindi's Libraries site.
Main Image: Charlie, who received his Mickey book from Hindi's Libraries after undergoing a bone marrow transplant. Courtesy Wishes & More®.