Maker Space Launches Workshops in Lewisboro
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Coming up this month MKR LAB will offer workshops to introduce circuitry and the concept that students can work with real components, alter basic designs to customize them and add new features. Their first event will be to make an LED pompom crown, followed by a circuits & dough workshop, where they’ll learn about polarity, the flow of electricity, make LEDs light up, create switches, buttons and more.
June workshops include an introduction to soldering, a laser beam tripwire project, and designing and sewing a light-up soft creature. MKR LAB’s classes will emphasize finding solutions to problems, imagining what would be fun or interesting to build, and figuring out how to do that.
Sarah and Clark Landis formed MKR LAB to inspire students to use science and tech creatively. Clark has a MS in Computer Science from Columbia and a MS in Physics from Yale. He is a master of all coding & programming. Sarah is a former web master and a lifelong maker, knitter, and crafter who likes to use materials in non-traditional ways.
DayDreamer Studio, Yellow Monkey Village, 792 NY-35