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May 2012 Table of Contents

The May 2012 Family Health issue by NYMetroParents features articles on the importance of becoming an organ donor, marking your child's milestones in school, familiarizing yourself with adoption, and a where-to guide of zoos, gardens, and nature centers in the New York metro area. Also learn from one mom's wise advice.

NYMetroParents May 2012 Family Health Issue
Our May 2012 stories share how a 12-year-old girl is inspiring others to become organ donors, reveal a family history dealing with adoption, teach us how to mark our children's educational milestones, and also provides a comprehensive where-to guide of zoos, nature centers, and gardens for those upcoming spring days.


bartow-pell mansion museumFamily Outing: Bartow Pell Mansion Museum
Rotating exhibits feature significant periods of the site’s history. Also explore the formal terrace garden, the Pell cemetery, and the restored, period-furnished Carriage House...

The Amazing MaxTheater: 'The Amazing Max'

With a title like “Amazing” it’s pretty much a given that Max’s arrival won’t be run-of-the-mill: no ho-hum walk-on from backstage or materializing in a done-to-death puff of smoke. Max is all about surprise...

Little Women GetawayWeekend Getaway: For Moms & Their 'Little Women'
Of course, the best part was exploring Louisa’s bedroom and examining the half-moon shaped desk, nestled against a wall and between two windows, which her father built for her and where she would write her masterpiece...

Zoos, Nature Centers, and Gardens in NYC areaWhere To: Zoos, Nature Centers, & Botanic Gardens
Find petting zoos, arboretums, nature preserves, farms and public gardens in your local neighborhood—all packed with fun nature activities for the whole family...


Family SecretsFamily Secrets: One Woman's Journey to Find Her Birth Family
When I was 5, my adoptive mother told my older sister and me that we had not come out of her tummy the way our little brother had. When my sister wanted to know more, my mother began to cry...

Organ DonorsHealth Special
How a 12-Year-Old is Inspiring Others to Become Organ Donors
At barely 8 years old, Lauren was diagnosed with inflammation of the heart muscles and her body was shutting down...
Health & Wellness Guide

Apps for Helping Kids LearnEducation
App-Mazing: Apps for Applying
Could mobile app games effectively simulate real-world problems that secretly require the application of skills and knowledge taught in school? Could a playful app promote inquiry-based learning?

Kids and VegetablesFood & Nutrition
Covert Operation: Should You Hide Their Veggies?
These children are often surpassing their recommended five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day...
A Veggie-Rich Recipe

Raising Our Kids Graduation
Raising Our Kids
Graduation Can Mean Good-Bye
You might be surprised to learn that not all kids are excited or happy about leaving a school, grade, or teacher. Many are sad to leave the classroom in which they have accomplished so much...

Mom by Dave IsayJust for Moms
One Mom's Legacy
I have so many memories of Mom that make me smile. I really miss her when I pick up the children from school, because she used to love picking me up from school. I remember it very clearly...

May 2012 quotablesQuotables
Older Mothers, Always a Lack of Sleep, & an Infinite Number of Questions
“A mother cooks 1 protein, 1 vegetable, and 1 starch for dinner at 5pm. By 5:30pm, 3 kids and 1 husband...

Drug Holidays
Special Needs

Pros & Cons of Taking a Drug Holiday
Some kids look forward to a drug holiday because the meds can make them a bit socially withdrawn, irritable, drowsy, or jittery...

Soccer for KidsSports
Soccer By Any Other Name
The New York Times reported on a new study indicating that stronger soccer players have superior executive functions, the brain processes responsible for planning and abstract thinking...

Interview with Moey's Music PartySportlight On
Melissa Levis of Moey's Music Party
She's just like you. She’s a working mom in New York City raising her 8-year-old son, dealing with the same worries and concerns as every other parent. The only difference is she’s a rock legend amongst children...

Stuff We Like May 2012

Stuff We Like
Safe & Sound
From a mom-invented way to gently clean your child’s favorite teddy bear to a product that protects your family against the hazards of lead-based paint...

NYMetroParents Health Directory

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Family Activities:

Have a Laugh:

Best Memes of the Week for Parents

Here are the funniest parenting memes from Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit this week.

Featured Listings:

Mandarin Discovery School

Mandarin Discovery School

Mandarin Discovery Preschool program is an immersive and creative program for children 3 to 5 years old. Children learn Mandarin with musical instrum...

Mill Basin Day Camp

Mill Basin Day Camp

Mill Basin, Brooklyn, NY Summers are for having fun. It's a time to spend with friends. To make memories and share experiences that last a lifetime. That's what Mill Basin Day...

The Waldorf School of Garden City

The Waldorf School of Garden City

Garden City, NY Founded in 1947, The Waldorf School of Garden City is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school for students age three through twe...