Stuff We Like: Father's Day Gift Ideas
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Best features: easily (yes, easily) adjusts to four heights and adapts for use on slopes, flat ground, or steps; built-in, stable standing platform; Tip & Glide wheels; and at just 25 lbs., it holds up to 300 lbs.! ($197 Father's Day Promotion at Home Depot stores starting June 1; regularly $239; also available at
What a View!
Your child's outgrown his baby carrier, and traditional piggyback rides can be a killer on the back -- now there's a solution that replaces bulky backpack carriers and strollers and is just as fun: The Piggyback RiderTM supports a child up to 60 lbs, 2½ to 7 years of age, utilizing a shoulder-mounted foot-bar to distribute the child's weight at your core, which enables a natural upright walking posture. The child stands firmly on the wide foot-bar, holding integrated grab handles and secured by a safety tether. And it weighs less than three lbs. and stashes in a bag the size of a rolled-up towel. It'll bring you and your child closer together, whatever your adventure.
($79.99; or