SPONSORED CONTENT: How to Choose a Progressive School
Vivvi's early learning model provides a new option for progressive education
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And like the Waldorf progressive education philosophy, Vivvi uses inquiry questions throughout the day to create powerful early learning opportunities through oral language experiences. Open-ended in nature, Vivvi sees inquiry questioning techniques as a wonderful opportunity for building a foundation of success in language expression and early literacy.
What is Vivvi’s progressive education philosophy?
By using the best of Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Waldorf models of progressive education philosophy, Vivvi’s founders came up with a balanced approach to learning that encourages children to engage in their learning in ways that seem natural to them.
The heart of Vivvi’s progressive teaching philosophy features the following principles:
- Children are actively involved in the direction of their learning.
- Projects and activities make use of all five senses and focus on movement, observation, and tactile exploration.
- Children are actively engaged with their peers and learning environment.
- Children are given endless opportunities to express themselves.
Why should parents choose Vivvi?
There are many great choices for parents who are seeking a progressive education in New York. In fact, it can be difficult to figure out which progressive teaching philosophy to follow. One advantage of Vivvi’s program is that parents are partners in their child’s education—they receive daily updates, webinars on child development, and opportunities to connect with teachers and other members of the Vivvi community.
Also, Vivvi prepares its students for a lifetime of progressive learning. What distinguishes Vivvi is that the learning model goes beyond the basics and provides a holistic approach for supporting each child in an intentional way. As a result, children develop positive attitudes about school and learn how to identify and pursue their passions.