How to Encourage Social Development in Children
Here's how you can help your little one flourish with their friends.
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Turn Taking
Parents should introduce the concept of taking turns. This emphasizes not only the child’s needs but the needs of others as well. As the child becomes more comfortable with turn taking, you can ask the child to determine how long they think their turn should be.
Letting the child decide helps them think about their needs as well as those of others. It opens the door to social development and awareness as they become more secure with themselves and begin to show their empathy towards others.
There are many other takes parents can incorporate into their child’s life to help improve and develop these much-needed social skills.
Children will begin to show signs of social development at a young age. As parents and teachers, utilizing the methods mentioned above will help your young child learn to reach out, communicate, and understand the way that they are feeling, as well as how others feel. Social development can continue well into their teenage years, and, with a solid foundation, your child will be on track to a well-developed social intelligence.