How to Tour Colleges with Your Kids–And Stay on Budget
These tips can help you avoid tour budget burnout and learn more about the colleges your child is visiting.
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Create a swag budget. After finishing a tour, most students want a t-shirt, PopSocket or water bottle to commemorate their trip and bring them luck during application season. To avoid overspending on souvenirs, create a swag budget ahead of time. List out exactly how much money you want to spend and stick to that budget no matter what. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t get everything she wants the first time around–there will be plenty of opportunities to stock up on college wear during her first year on campus.
Look to save money down the road. After touring your dream school, make sure you have a plan to pay for your child’s education. While on your college tour make sure to ask about the basics: tuition, scholarships, dining plan options, free events on campus, etc. Feel free to stop by the financial aid office and get any information that a tour guide may not have. Be informed and set yourself up for financial success. That foresight will allow you to have the best college experience possible.
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