NYC Summer Camps Are Better Than Ever – And Kids Are Ready
Attend the free New York Family Summer Camp Fairs to learn about the many camp programs offered in NYC this year
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Besides getting outside and playing, kids are also excited to get crafty and creative again with their friends. School certainly has art classes and projects, but camp crafts are different under the warm sun, with paint and markers and tie-dye everywhere you look. Campers don’t have to be afraid to get messy! If your child has a passion for science as well, maybe speak with STEAM camp directors to get a feel for what camp might incorporate both creativity and science.
After being cooped up at home doing virtual learning for so long in 2020 and 2021, NYC kids (and their parents!) want to be active and social this summer. Camps are a great time for little ones to develop their social-emotional skills in a non-academic, non-formal setting. And while they may see some of their school friends over the summer, they’ll have the chance to make new friends at camp. Parents, prepare yourselves because you’ll be adding a lot more play-dates to the schedule once camps are over! It really is a beautiful thing to watch our kiddos be social again in a safe way, and that’s exactly what they’ll get to do all summer long.
Whether you’re looking for a day vs. sleepaway camp, a general vs. interest-specific camp, or a one-week vs. full-summer camp, the Camp Fairs will help you navigate your options. NYC boasts some of the best camps, especially this summer now that we’re back into our city groove. So mark your calendars, roundup your questions, and get ready to find the camp for your child!