Self-Direction Services for Kids With Special Needs in New York: What You Need to Know
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Camp: You will be given a camp allowance in your budget. Yes, your child’s summer camp can be paid (or partly paid) for by the state! We all know how long the summer months can seem for our kids, who need their days filled with activities and stimulation. Imagine not having to worry about how to come up with the money to give your child a camp experience.
Babysitters: Another wonderful perk of this program is funding for babysitters. You will actually get to choose the people to watch, work with, and teach your child. Once the person completes some paperwork, he will be paid directly by the state. It is an opportunity for your child to be with someone who wants to be with her and give you piece of mind when you are not at home.
Other Reimbursements: There are a variety of categories in the budget that allow for reimbursement of certain purchases. A few examples are clothing, transportation, staff training, internet service and a gym membership for your child. This is all money that will be well spent on a deserving child.
Self-Direction Services is a program that I strongly recommend every parent look into for any child with special needs. You, as their caregiver, will need to put in some time and effort to make decisions and keep everything organized, but as you see from the opportunities above, it will be very worth the effort. Just remember, your child’s well being and care are the lights at the end of all the paperwork!
RELATED: Find services in your neighborhood for kids wth special needs.