Soccer Referee Opportunities Available for Teens
By being a soccer ref, kids earn money, get exercise and have some fun on the field
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Kids who become refs learn to manage people, be their own boss by going directly to the customer (players, coaches and leagues), stay or get fit and make new friends, all while earning money. Working with assignors, kids will set their schedules based on their availability.
The ENYYSA is a nonprofit organization that promotes and enhances the game of soccer for kids and teens. Stretching from Montauk Point, Long Island, to the Canadian border, members are affiliated with 10 leagues throughout the association, which covers the entire state of New York east of Route 81.
The organization has approximately 100,000 soccer players—both boys and girls—and more than 25,000 volunteers.
For more information on upcoming courses near you, contact State Youth Referee Administrator Piero Olcese at [email protected].
Main image courtesy Long Island Soccer Referees Association