Spy Museum Comes to Midtown Manhattan
Crack codes and more at this unique museum!
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Throughout the museum you will be asked several questions at Question Stations which will be used to determine what type of spy you would suit you best. Simply swipe your identity band you were given when you entered to complete your spy profile.
At the end of the exhibit visitors will take a part in the special Spy Profile system which lets you know which field of spying is right for you. Different roles include Cryptologist, Spycatcher, Special Ops Officer, and Analyst.
It should be noted that this museum is for older kids and teens and that it is not recommended for toddlers .
Spyscape is located at 928 Eighth Ave. It is open 7 days a week from 10am-8pm. Tickets are $39 for adults and $32 for kids ages 3-12.