Technology in the Classroom: The Educational Benefits
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A Caution About Technology in the Classroom
While Suarez and Frechette see a lot of positives about these new technologies in the classroom, Claudia Weger, the Director at Ossining Children’s Center, has mixed feelings about it—mostly because of the age of the children she works with. “Three and four year olds need to play and to learn to be social beings,” she said. “They need to paint and play with play dough and pretend. I feel like I have to squeeze that in between technology.”
Weger said that in the four-year-old rooms, the smartboard, iPads and computers are part of the daily curriculum, which mirrors the Ossining public-school curriculum. The Ossining Children’s Center also partners with the Jacob Burns educational center to have the four year olds make movies on iPads and provide an after-school animation workshop for the older kids. “We can't stop technology,” Weger said. “It's a part of our culture so the children need to be familiar with it.”
So, as parents, how do we balance it all out at home?
“Just like with anything else, moderation,” Weger said. “I don't want computers to replace a lap and a book.” Parents can also take a page from a teacher’s book and find ways to engage their children in learning and push them further with the technology they have access to.
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As for my daughter? I let her explore her newfound skills for a little longer and then read her a chapter from Harry Potter—because both of those things were important for her on that particular day.
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