You Can Win a Pay-Your-Age Build-a-Bear Experience at the End of June
This contest eliminates the long lines and frustration Build-a-Bear customers have experienced in the past.
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Kids can enter the contest until 11:59pm Eastern time on July 16. Kids can only enter once, and they will find out if they win a Pay-Your-Age ticket by June 21 via email. Winners are assigned a time to make their stuffed animal at Build-a-Bear stores within two redemption periods between June 24-28. Families can make one toy per child present, with a limit of two toys per ticket.
Even if they don’t win, joining the Bonus Club qualifies kids to make a Pay-Your-Age stuffed animal on their birthday every year. 10 contest entrants will win the Count Your Candles grand prize birthday party experience, to use anytime in the next year, valued up to $250. Enter the Build-a-Bear contest by June 16!