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Chapel School


Preschool 2s, 3s and 4s -

Preschool 2s, 3s and 4s

The Chapel School Preschool safely reopened in September 2020 and has successfully offered 5 Days per week In-Person without interruption since October 5, 2020. TCS Preschool serves 2- to 5-year-olds by providing them opportunities to explore their curiosity through discovery and play in the most loving and caring Christian environment. Our dedicated faculty and staff strive to nurture each child's whole development of mind, body, and spirit, all-the-while celebrating what makes them unique and meeting their individual needs. The Chapel School Preschool creates and values important home-school partnerships with parents and guardians, together setting the foundation for a life-long love of learning. Basic academic concepts are introduced in our 3s Program, and then reinforced and solidified in our 4s Programs. TCS Preschool Students are Kindergarten Ready after they successfully complete our 4s Programs.

Program Offerings -

Program Offerings

2 Sections of 2-Day 2s (Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday); 3-Day 3s AM; 5-Day 3s AM; 5-Day 3s PM; PreK 4s (1:00 PM Dismissal); and, Jr. K 4s (2:15 PM Dismissal)! 

Lower School (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) -

Lower School (Kindergarten through 5th Grade)

The Chapel School Lower School safely reopened in September 2020 and has successfully offered 5 Days per week In-Person with minimal interruption since October 5, 2020 thanks to enhancements in technology that enable live-streaming synchronous learning for remote learners.  The focus in Kindergarten through 5th Grade is to provide our students with a quality academic program where they are challenged to reach their potential in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment. TCS's Fountas and Pinnell Reading, EnVision Math and Hochman Writing Programs help students to develop a strong academic foundation; and our religion, Social Emotional Literacy (Cloud9World) and Service Learning Programs instill character, values, empathy and social awareness and activity. Working closely with our full-time guidance counselor, TCS faculty and staff C.A.R.E.S., fostering the development of Cooperation, Accountability, Respect, Empathy and Spiritual Growth and encouraging and nurturing self-esteem, selflessness and service. 

Middle School (6th through 8th Grade) -

Middle School (6th through 8th Grade)

The Chapel Middle School (TCMS) was also able to safely reopen in September 2020 and has successfully offered 5 Days per week In-Person with minimal interruption since October 5, 2020 thanks to enhancements in technology that enable live-streaming synchronous learning for remote learners.  TCMS is proud to continue its tradition of excellence for students in grades 6 through 8. As we prepare our students for high school and beyond, our uniquely small class sizes enable us to partner with parents and guardians to meet the increasingly complex social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of today's 'tweens'. Our academic and behavioral expectations are high and clear, and our faculty and staff C.A.R.E.S. and continues to foster opportunities for Cooperation, Accountability, Respect, Empathy and Spiritual Growth.  Our TCMS Team encourages and nurtures self-esteem, selflessness and service while allowing students to make mistakes and experience forgiveness that is freely theirs through Jesus Christ.

Middle School (6th through 8th Grade) -

Middle School (6th through 8th Grade)

The Chapel School's middle grades are departmentalized, allowing teachers to specialize in core subjects ... Math, Science, Technology, World History (6), American History (7/8) and English/Language Arts (ELA), Religion and Technology... that match their academic expertise. Students work with separate teachers for Guidance, Physical Education, Art, Music and Spanish. All classrooms are equipped with interactive smartboards, and all TCMS students have access to Chrome Books, Google Classroom and TCMS's Technology Lab. 

The Chapel School Summer Program -

The Chapel School Summer Program

Safely open in Summer 2020, and we are BACK & BETTER in 2021 The Chapel School is pleased to provide children ages 3-12 with the opportunity to experience an enriching and fun-filled summer in a safe, air-conditioned space designed for educational excellence. All programs are developed to challenge the mind, body, and spirit, stretch the imagination, uncover hidden talents, inspire intellectual curiosity, and encourage physical activity enthusiasm. Our 9-week Care Bear Camp for 3- to 6-year-olds offers theme-based activities and flexibility so children can attend mornings, afternoons, or both on a week-to-week basis. Our 8-week Explorer Camp for 6- to 12-year-olds includes everything from Basketball to Drama to Sports-n-Games to Computer Adventures to Art to Website Creation to Service Learning to Music-n-Drama to STEM ... and MORE!  Online registration for Summer 2021 is open now ...

Summer Program

Chapel School

Chapel School

Chapel School

Chapel School

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The Chapel School Summer Program started more than 20 years ago, offering the flexibility of week-by-week registration. Care Bears (ages 3-6) enjoy theme-based morning, afternoon, and full-day enrichment and play, while Explorers (ages 7-12) can dabble in anything from sports to music and drama to movie-making to STEAM.

Meet the Director

Principal Michael Schultz is entering his 24th year of service (fourth as principal) at The Chapel School (TCS) in Bronxville, a wonderfully diverse community that celebrates God's faithfulness! Michael and TCS faculty believe in tapping into individual student strengths and preparing them for high school and beyond by focusing on a balance between next generation standards, technological advances, social-emotional literacy, and service learning. Providing all of these things in harmony in a safe, nurturing, Christ-centered environment is how we prepare today's learners to become tomorrow's leaders.