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FlexSchool FlexSummer Extended School Year Program

171 White Plains Road

Bronxville, NY

summer: 908-322-0554







Middle School and High School


171 White Plains Road, Bronxville NY




FlexSchool is a unique private middle and high school that specializes in motivating and supporting gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) students. We individualize our coursework to accelerate when possible and decelerate when necessary, always celebrating strengths and meeting students where they are. Small, ability and discussion-based classes taught by subject experts ensure meaningful conversations and the opportunity to ask high-level questions. Our faculty are supported by those with expertise in learning challenges, gifted education, executive functioning skills, emotional support, and differentiation. We focus on critical thinking and engaging content in all areas of learning.








FlexSummer Extended School Year Program



[email protected]




Stretch your mind this summer with FlexSummer ESY! FlexSummer is a fully online summer program for gifted and 2e children.  We offer a large selection of classes for fun and for credit. If your child needs Extended School Year, credit recovery, academic maintenance, or is interested in learning something new, FlexSummer might be the answer. FlexSchool has a full team of support staff including a learning specialist and a mental health professional for both individual and group settings. We support learning challenges, social/emotional needs, and build executive functioning skills. Classes include CAD, 2D Video Game Design, Animation, Philosophy, Medical Forensics, Writing Workshop, Math, and more!






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Stretch your mind this summer with FlexSummer ESY! FlexSummer is a fully online summer program for gifted and 2e children. We offer a large selection of classes for fun and for credit. We support learning challenges, social/emotional needs, and build executive functioning skills.