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Variety Child Learning Center

47 Humphrey Drive

Syosset, NY


Variety Child Learning Center at the Gallow School, 72 Farmedge Road, Levittown 516-490-3301

About Variety Child Learning Center -

About Variety Child Learning Center

Variety Child Learning Center (VCLC) provides special education and support services to children and families, along with professional development and research. It is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit center providing special education programs for children who reside in Nassau, Suffolk and New York City with developmental and learning disabilities, including autism, along with programs and support services for families. Training early childhood professionals and ongoing research that leads to improved educational and social outcomes for young children are major components of VCLC's mission.

A State-Approved Special Education Facility -

A State-Approved Special Education Facility

Variety Child Learning Center is approved by the New York State Education Department as a special education facility and evaluation site for children 3 to 8 years of age. Chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, the center is also approved by the state Department of Health to perform evaluations and provide special education and early intervention services for children birth to 3 years of age.

About the Staff at Variety Child Learning Center -

About the Staff at Variety Child Learning Center

The center has a staff of over 400, including: special education teachers; assistant teachers; therapists (physical, occupational, speech); psychologists; social workers; school nurse; and approximately 80 volunteers including graduate and undergraduate interns. Professional development training seminars, workshops, and consultation services for early childhood educators, professionals, and pediatric residents are offered on and off-site.

Child-Care Programs at Variety Child Learning Center -

Child-Care Programs at Variety Child Learning Center

The center's child-care curriculum is developmentally appropriate for the age of each child, focusing on social and emotional development and building skills for future school success. Funding for child care programs and services is provided by federal, state and county governments, school districts and fund-raising. These programs and services are provided at no cost to families, with the exception of a few after-school programs. Child-care programs offered at Variety Child Learning Center include before and after care for infants and toddlers, a preschool integrated class, pre-K integrated class and before- and after-school care for ages 3, 4 and 5 years. Child care programs are licensed by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

Safety On Site -

Safety On Site

Variety Child Learning Center has been successful in providing a safe and healthy learning environment for its staff and children during the global pandemic. VCLC has been diligent in adding services to ensure the cleanliness of the building as well as adapting appropriate protocols throughout the year. The health and safety of staff and children remains the center's utmost priority. As VCLC looks ahead to a more positive year in 2021, the center is excited to celebrate 55 years of academic excellence.

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Variety Child Learning Center provides evaluations, early intervention, special education (special classes, special classes in integrated settings, itinerant services), ABA, and Family Center Respite Program to more than 750 children and families annually, and professional training. VCLC has implemented COVID protocols in accordance with NYS DOH and CDC guidelines.