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Kehillath Shalom Synagogue Is Launching New Torah School This Fall

Kehillath Shalom Synagogue Is Launching New Torah School This Fall

The synagogue's reimagined school emphasizes all aspects of Jewish learning.

This fall, Kehillath Shalom Synagogue in Cold Spring Harbor will launch its new youth education approach, The Torah School, for children in kindergarten through seventh grade and their families. This Reconstructionist synagogue, founded in 1969, reorganized its Hebrew School after extensive conversations with its School Committee, current students and parents, and consultants. The Torah School's new educational model will excite and energize the students, their parents, and the entire synagogue community.

The name Torah School reflects how “Torah” means all of Jewish teaching and traditions, including those that communities create. The KSS Torah School will seek to awaken in each child a Jewish identity rooted in ethics, wonder, gratitude, and tradition. A Reconstructionist approach fosters intellectual engagement and a commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). By meeting each student as they are, and honoring the potential for who they will become, the school will develop lifelong Jewish learners.

The new Torah School will meet twice-monthly on Shabbat. These classes will meet from 10am-12:45pm, allowing children to have class time, participate in services, and have kiddush with the community. After all, schmoozing and noshing are essential aspects of the Jewish experience! During that time, parents are encouraged to come to Torah Study from 10–11am and/or services from 11:15am–12:30pm.

In addition, there will be monthly Sunday family workshops, periodic Friday night gatherings, and an annual congregational retreat. As a result, children and families become a full part of the synagogue cycle, experiencing Jewish life, not just reading about it.

There is still time to register for the 2019-2020 academic year! For questions about the program, the schedule of meetings, or the cost of the program, please contact Rabbi Lina Zerbarini or the main office at [email protected] or at 631-367-4589. All are welcome.

Kehillath Shalom Synagogue
58 Goose Hill Road, Cold Spring Harbor


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