Leah Witman Moore, a Westchester mom, wrote a book telling her story of what it's like to raise a child with cri du chat, a genetic condition affectin...
Many misconceptions still exist around autism spectrum disorder. So, in honor of Autism Awareness Month, we asked people from organizations throughout...
Here are the funniest parenting memes from Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit this week.
Marni Goltsman is a Manhattan writer and mom of a son who was diagnosed with autism at 18 months old. She founded the shopping site shopforcharitynow.com, which automatically donates to charity, and blogs about how her son's autism allows her family "to experience the world differently and...grow in unexpected ways" at capturingautism.com. Read more of Marni Goltsman's personal essays at nymetroparents.com/marni-goltsman. See More