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New Studio in Williamsburg Encourages Creativity in All

Bird River Studios, newly opened in Williamsburg, offers a variety of creative classes for kids including music, art, ceramics, printmaking, dance, and creative writing. And if the studio doesn't offer what your child is interested in, it will strive to offer it. Bird River Studio also offers classes for parents while their children are in class.
kids at a craft table
Kids were able to sample the
crafts offered at Bird River
Studios during its open house.

Trevis and Sigrid Orr were inspired to open Bird River Studios because of a mutual interest in encouraging creativity in kids. They have three daughters who are interested in anything creative, from dance to play writing, which made the Orrs think, “Why not make a place where we can do all of that?” 

The programs offered at Bird River Studios are all taught by professionals in the field and include music, acting, printmaking, creative writing, stop-motion animation, and ceramics. Plus, private lessons are available upon request, and Bird River Studios is open to offering classes in any creative field a child might want to explore. Themed birthday parties are also available—kids can make a ceramic bowl while trying to solve a murder mystery.

Bird River Studios strives to work hard to accommodate parents, offering classes that run concurrent to the programs their child is in. Parents can take a course in something they’ve always wanted to try (Trevis recommends the shoemaking class) instead of flipping through a magazine in the waiting room. “[We try] to open our doors and offer up our studios for anything that parents would like to try,” Trevis says. 


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