Helping a Child With Autism Try New Things
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My son approached the Go Kart slowly, still looking around. When he sat down a few seconds later I heard him mumble through the helmet, “I don’t know if I want to do this.” I said, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but you haven’t tried it yet!” He responded, “I don’t like it.” I then chimed in, “You haven’t tried it to know if you like it.” There was a brief pause. I continued, “Give it a chance, it’s something new and then if you don’t like it, don’t do it again.”
He got it. He asked no further questions, and it was his time to get buckled in. He took the advice I gave him and the reminder to try new things. As the wheels sped away onto the track, so did his fear. That moment gave me great hope that he’s opening up, he’s taking chances, and he’s listening to reason.
The world seemed a little brighter for me that day. In fact, later on, he took another stab at something he’d been hesitant with previously: hitting a piñata.
As parents, we have to sit back and just let things unfold sometimes, while other times, our kids need a nudge in the right direction. Of course there might be things they won’t try, but at least this is a step in the right direction.
Care to share: Has your child tried something new lately? Share away… Let’s celebrate them!
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