When Will the COVID Vaccine Be Available for Kids Under 12?
Pfizer-BioNTech has requested emergency use authorization for its COVID vaccine for kids ages 5-11, according to the New York Times.
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Who would produce the vaccine for children?
Despite the urgency for safely vaccinating all ages, the 2-shot Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is currently the only one with emergency use authorization for people ages 12 and older. Federal officials approved the Pfizer vaccine for teens in May 2021. Meanwhile, the 2-shot Moderna and the 1-shot Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccines are approved for individuals ages 18 and older.
Moderna has announced its vaccine was effective in children ages 12-17, but it has not yet been authorized for use in that age group, according to the FDA. Moderna is currently in a clinical trial for ages 6 months to 11 years. Johnson and Johnson has no available information about pediatric studies yet.
Where can my child get vaccinated in New York?
If your child is eligible, you can use this online tool to find a vaccination location and make your appointment. Eligible groups in NYC can use the portal at vaccinefinder.nyc.gov to find a location nearest them. You can also reach out to your doctor’s office to see if they’re scheduling COVID vaccine appointments for patients.
What should I continue doing if my child is not yet eligible for the COVID vaccine?
To keep kids healthy post-quarantine, it’s important for unvaccinated individuals to still follow CDC, state, and city guidelines of wearing face masks, social distancing, and staying home when feeling sick.