How to Throw a Simple and Stress-Free Birthday Party
Don't get caught up in the party planning hype—it's very possible to join a stress-free kids' party!
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Plan activities your kid will love.
“Overall,” Jackson says,“way too much energy goes into trying to create unique experiences.” Instead, she suggests starting with something a child loves and building the party around that. For example, if the child is a sports lover, consider an afternoon of soccer at a sports complex, bouncing at a trampoline park, or a friendly mini-golf competition. You can also bring in some help. Hire an entertainer who can bring in exotic animals or science experiments for a couple of hours of birthday learning and fun.
Go out for an experience rather than hosting a party.
Rather than hosting a party, have your child invite one or two friends out for a special event, like a day at an amusement park, an overnight camping trip, or to see a performance or sporting event. Not only does this give parents a pass on party planning, but “a smaller group of friends might create more intense memories together,” Jackson says.
Don't get stressed out—your kid will sense it!
Most importantly, Ashley says, parents should take a breather. “Kids want to share in the joy with their parents. If Mom or Dad is stressed out, kids can totally sense that.” Don’t let the goal of a “perfect party” get in the way of the whole point of the day—celebrating your child in a way that’s fun and happy for them.