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New Moms Are Older, Better Educated

According to a new study on the state of American motherhood by the Pew Research Center, new mothers are increasingly older and better educated than they were 20 years ago. Nearly 14 percent of mothers were 35 and older two years ago. The good news is that only 10 percent of new mothers were teens, down from 13 percent in 1990. The study also found that a record 41 percent of births were to unmarried women in 2008. That's an increase of 28 percent from 1990. If you're into statistics, check out the study, "The New Demography of American Motherhood" at There's a lot to examine here. But for now I'll say, did anyone ask any moms in the study how tired they are?


Author: Liza N. Burby is contributing publisher of "Long Island Parent" magazine. See More

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