My Heartfelt Wishes for My Son's Future Partner
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I’m guessing that you know all this, and that you don’t care; that you understand what really matters whether he’s 9 or 29 is that he’s doing the best he can, and no matter how much we want to spare him the pain of feeling different, there comes a point where we need to graciously accept his limitations.
The surprising truth about those limitations is that when you spend time with him, they fade away into the background. No one knows this better than you and I. He takes our breath away: his magnetic good looks, easy smile, and winning charm; the kind and gentle way he asks how our day went; his quirky sense of humor and infectious laugh; his moves on the dance floor; and finally, his unparalleled enthusiasm that hovers somewhere between driving us crazy and making us insanely happy.
Brooks is supposed to find someone to share his life with, but he was also supposed to thrive in an integrated school environment, and he was also supposed to lose his diagnosis. In the shadow of these unrealized optimistic expectations and in the interest of keeping a firm grasp on reality, I am forced to wonder whether you exist.
But then I look at Brooks—how absolutely perfect he is exactly as he is—and I realize how unfair it would be for me to play it safe and saddle him with low expectations. And when he looks back at me—in those purest of moments—my fears wash away and all I can see is the magic of his future. And your part in it.
It is my fiercest hope that someday I get to welcome you to the family.