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Special Education Schools and Services in Brooklyn
Looking for a Brooklyn school with special education services? Look no further than our list of special education schools in Park Slope, Williamsburg,...Latest News:
Special Education Schools and Services in Manhattan
Looking for a Manhattan special education school? Look no further than our list of the top special education schools in Greenwich, Upper East Side, So...Family Activities:
Have a Laugh:
Best Memes of the Week for Parents
Here are the funniest parenting memes from Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit this week.Featured Listings:
MLM Advocacy
Attending a meeting with the Committee on Special Education can be scary for any parent when their child is suspected of having a disability that can ...
Andrew Cohen, Esq., Law Offices of Andrew M. Cohen
In order to legally protect loved ones with disabilities, a comprehensive estate plan must consider several factors. Andrew Cohen's vast professional ...
Life’s WORC The Family Center for Autism
Garden City, Finally, there’s a place where you can find innovative classes and clubs for your loved one with autism… and support, guidance and understanding for y...
Otto Specht School
Chestnut Ridge , NY At the Otto Specht School, we work to discover each child's path to lifelong learning, offering a variety of educational programs designed to meet the...