The Impact of Early Orthodontics Treatment on Overall Health
Here's why you should bring your child to an orthodontist even before her baby teeth fall out.
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Orthodontic Expanders
Mouth breathing, snoring, and poor sleep are all signs of a small airway. Apart from possibly having to remove the tonsils and/or adenoids with an ENT, an orthodontic expander helps open the airway, targets disordered breathing, and helps restore the proper tongue posture. This enables a “lips closed, breathe through your nose” rest position that promotes proper facial development. After expansion, snoring usually disappears and the quality of sleep improves. Other daytime symptoms as a result of poor sleep will dissipate or completely go away.
This is possible because the roof of the mouth is the floor of the nose. By expanding the upper jaw, we can open up the airway and decrease turbulence through the nose—helping your little one breathe as she should. Creating this space automatically allows the tongue to rest on the roof of the mouth and helps restore proper orofacial muscular balance.
Bite Plate Retainers
If the issue is a deep bite in which the upper teeth are not enabling the lower jaw to grow forward, then a simple retainer will help "unlock" this bite. If not intercepted, a very deep overbite will negatively affect the growth of the lower jaw as the child grows and could result in a permanently recessed lower jaw.
The Emotional Rewards of Orthodontia
I find the huge smiles on my patients’ faces when we finish treatment the most rewarding aspect of my job! Sometimes I get happy tears and other times I do a little dance. It feels good when hard work pays off. Being an orthodontist is not easy at times, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It is absolutely amazing to be able to help my patients improve their smiles, quality of life, and self-confidence, while also, in some cases, restoring health.
I strive to help every child make the most out of his or her growth potential, and I take pride in getting creative when a tough case comes my way. Beautiful balanced faces are healthy faces. Love the way you smile!
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