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Talking about getting "back in shape" after the baby. 6 yo: Well you're a circle now pretty much, what shape will you be after? Rectangle? — Mamatoga (@Mamatoga) July 28, 2014
At least the kid knows his/her shapes!
Five Ways to Radically Improve Your Relationships (according to a 5-year-old): While no child is perfect, ther... — The Good Men Project (@GoodMenProject) July 28, 2014
Kids may be younger than you, but they know a thing or two about living—and enjoying—life.
From the kid: — Lisa Duggan (@motherhoodmag) July 28, 2014
This play on Katy Perry's song "Dark Horse"should be printed on Mother's Day cards.
Pass time in the car by playing word games! Choose letters & ask your kids to find words for each letter on passing signs. #50DaysOfSummer — Brooke Jackman Fndtn (@JackmanLiteracy) July 28, 2014
For more tips on traveling with kids, see our article on how to stop backseat whining. Is anyone else still in disbelief that it's already August? May Facebook bless us the rest of this month with continual service. Join us on Tuesdays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, and exclusive deals and discounts. Join the conversation by tweeting at us, @NYMetroParents—maybe you’ll see your tweet here next week!