Top Tweets of the Week (Tuesday, April 2) By NYMetroParents Staff April 2, 2013 Get can’t-miss family activities sent to you! Subscribe Hi, welcome to April! I couldn't post this feature on Monday like I usually do because yesterday was April Fools' Day, and everyone assumed everything on the internet was a complete lie. And mostly it was, which I hate, so I actually tried to avoid the internet all day yesterday (a difficult task, seeing as my job is literally...reading and writing on the internet). But anyway! Now it's Tuesday. And it's still the beginning of April, and here we all are together, and last time I wrote Tweet Beat I was complaining about the snow and now Passover and Easter have come and gone and my winter boots are in storage and I refuse to take them out again until next year and to be honest today it's actually pretty nice outside. So things are looking up, the future is bright, the world is our oyster, it's almost really truly spring and then summer! And y'all are hilarious and wise and wonderful, per usual. So let's get on with highlighting your best tweets, okay? Still so light at 7pm. Spring IS coming. #hope… — sarahdessen (@sarahdessen) March 19, 2013 Yes! Yes it is! Hallelujah! April means National Poetry Month! What's your fave plant/garden/flower/spring/nature poem? Maybe we'll use your fave for Morning Eye Candy! — NY Botanical Garden (@NYBG) March 26, 2013 Happy National Poetry Month, folks! Don't forget to introduce your kids to poetry early...maybe via the Botanical Garden! Why as soon as you take a bath, or start cooking , or sit down to eat someone knocks at the door or the phone rings? — Nichol Perez (@nilimonicky) March 19, 2013 Forget Murphy's Law, I think this must be Momma's Law... My daughter is shouting, "POOP MONSTER!". I figure I can thank @amberdusick for that one. — gfrancie (@gfrancie) March 19, 2013 Hey, if your kid is yelling POOP MONSTER then I think thanking the appropriate people who made it happen is the right move ;) Tonight I gave up on feeding my son kale and cashew cheese and made him a hotdog. Yeah, I was asking a bit too much of a 2 year old. — Ali Larter (@TheRealAliL) March 19, 2013 Haha, knowing your kid's limits is the sign of a great parent! Though if you could send some kale and cashew cheese my way, that sounds like a delicious lunch... 3 y/o just asked if we can sit out the couch and eat pretzels all day. How can I say no? — Jessica Watson (@JessBWatson) March 28, 2013 Kids have the best ideas! I want to sit on the couch and eat pretzels all day. So long Florida! Next stop... When we can't stand being in the car with the kids anymore. — John Willey (@DaddysinCharge) March 27, 2013 How To Take A Road Trip With Children -- this man speaks the truth. Raising Children Who Will Speak Up to Prevent Rape, Not Defend It — The Motherlode (@NYTMotherlode) March 19, 2013 On a very serious note, this article is excellent and oh so timely. Also timeless. If you think kids can't change the world, you haven't visited — Gabe O'Neill (@KidsAreHeroes) March 19, 2013 If you haven't checked out this site yet you absolutely must -- these kids really are heroes. New reality show:My house on spring break. — The Next Martha (@TheNextMartha) March 26, 2013 I mean I think I can speak for all of us when I say, I'd totally watch that. Spring break day 1 here... Pray for me. — Corine Ingrassia (@ComplicatedMama) April 1, 2013 Were your prayers answered?! Field trip to Times Square with 100+ kindergarteners: A very special kind of crazy. #citykids #prettycool — Jessica Shyba (@MommasGoneCity) March 19, 2013 Ahhh, living in NYC provides such special opportunities for parents ;) I hate NYC traffic! I am late to an important meeting... and I don't like to be late! Need a spaceship to fly around this city! xo — Lyss Stern (@divamoms) March 20, 2013 And then of course there are the not-so-great parts of city-living. When daughter says she hates it when people leave their jars of pee on the subway, you do wonder why you didn't move to the burbs. — Mary Beth Williams (@embeedub) March 21, 2013 Along with the...interesting...aspects of raising kids in the city. @embeedub You don't b/c suburban kids would cry but yours can handle it. Btw saw 9 yr old pointing out rats to dad w/glee, had same thought. — Danielle Lazarin (@d_lazarin) March 21, 2013 But there are two ways of looking at it, I suppose! The better to see you with, my dear mommy!… — Heidi Murkoff (@HeidiMurkoff) March 19, 2013 Oh, did you need a daily dose of cute? Here ya go! Weird how people are so quick to say they'd die for you but so slow to make breakfast. — Honest Toddler (@HonestToddler) March 25, 2013 And then the daily dose of honesty, straight from the mouths of babes...or the mouth of one babe, I guess. Today is impromptu take your kids to work day at my office. Not getting a lot of work done, but I was invited to a midday dance party! — Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) March 25, 2013 Can I use this as an excuse to host an impromptu midday dance party in MY office? There are no kids present but that's okay, right? This photo=how I often feel. baby-on-roller-skates — Kathleen Schmidt (@Bookgirl96) March 25, 2013 I plan to channel this photo more often in my every day life. Having battled #infertility for several years now, the #AprilFools pregnancy test jokes aren't funny. Far from it actually. — daddyfiles (@DaddyFiles) April 1, 2013 This was a really important tweet for me -- I think the reason I hate April Fools' Day so much is because a lot of "jokes" have the potential to really hurt people. Think before you prank (or just don't prank at all)! Welcome to Autism Awareness Month! #liub — autismspeaks (@autismspeaks) April 2, 2013 Finally, April is Autism Awareness Month, so we've gone blue on Twitter today -- and we encourage you to do the same! To learn more check out Autism Speak's website, and let's all lend our social media voices to raising awareness about autism. And speaking of autism, if you're the parent of a child with special needs, check out our Spring issue of Special Parent magazine, chock-full of resources, expert advice, personal stories and helpful products for kids with special needs and their family members. Let's really make this April count! Join us on Mondays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us @NYMetroParents for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, exclusive deals and discounts, and occasionally hilarious staff banter. If you want us to consider your tweet for next week, tag it #nymptt; if you see a tweet that deserves a mention let us know. Get the Best Family Activities Sent to You Weekly! Sign-up >