Scenes from the Ultra Violent “Squid Game” Series Appearing on Kids' TikTok
What you need to know if your child is watching Squid Game on Netflix
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3. Don't eliminate your child’s access to TikTok entirely.
If you've found your child viewing a lot of this content on TikTok and you're worried, don't rush to take away your child's access to the platform.
“Instead, have these conversations around the appropriateness of the app, online behavior, and the impact that viewing Squid Game content is having on them,” Pavkovic says. “From there, you can make an informed decision, together.”
4. Monitor what your child watches on TV and streaming platforms.
Aside from social media, it's possible for children to see the show on TV. The good news is, most streaming services have PIN and password-based parental controls. Research shows that kids whose parents actively manage their media consume less and make quality choices on their own, according to Polly Conway, senior TV editor at Common Sense Media, an organization that works to ensure digital well-being for kids.
5. Preview shows and movies you’re questioning before you let your child watch them.
The very first thing to do is see the show for yourself. Parents need to know that the level of violence in Squid Game is intense, according to Common Sense Media’s review of the show. If you do decide to let your children watch the show, make sure to talk to them about what they’re seeing, and that it’s not okay to engage in certain behaviors they see in shows and movies.
“Squid Game may currently be the most sensational piece of media on Netflix right now, but it's definitely not the only show or movie with this level of violence available on Netflix or elsewhere,” Conway explains. “If your kids have watched, talk to them about it. If they haven't, it's really easy to find age-appropriate media that's free of violence that your kids will enjoy.”