NYC Schools Announce Plan to Close COVID-19 Achievement Gaps
Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza have released a plan for dealing with COVID-19 learning loss and achievement gaps.
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4. Deepening professional development for teachers. By doing so, teachers will have the accessibility to close gaps for students.
5. Expanding "Parent University" to continue to support parents with the tools they need to deepen learning at home in their language.
6. Confronting the trauma and mental health crisis faced by our students. This is rooted in healing and in learning because students need both, says Carranza.
Multiple methods of learning will be considered when attempting to close the achievement gap, including tutoring, creative projects, investigations, research, and other modalities of sparking intellectual curiosity, says Carranza. NYC Schools have been working with local universities and the 72 largest school system leaders in America and looking to other countries to see how they have all dealt with learning loss. and More information regarding this new approach will be available in the coming weeks. We will update you as it becomes available.
In the meantime, visit this page for everything you need to know about the 2020-2021 NYC public school year.