10 Important Questions to Ask a Camp Director
Choosing a summer camp for your child is a big decision, and speaking to the director can help you make your choice.
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How are conflicts between campers handled?
While camps work hard to build a caring community, fights among campers can occur. Ask the camp director how the camp handles these types of conflicts.
Can you speak to parents whose kids are currently enrolled in this camp?
Ask if you can call parents of campers currently enrolled at the camp, especially ones with kids who are the same ages as your children. They will be your next valuable source of information.
Other Factors in Determining Which Camp to Pick
There are hundreds of day camps and sleepaway camps in the New York area, which can make determining the just-right spot for your child overwhelming. Here’s advice from camp directors on how to create the perfect summer for your kid:
Know What You—and Your Child—Want
Consult with your child (it’s her summer after all!) but also consider what you want her to gain, whether that’s learning how to swim, making friends, or STEM skills.
Look into the Camp’s Accreditation
It’s important that prospective camps are accredited by the American Camp Association—it’s a sign of approval that isn’t easy to achieve.
Keep Your Budget in Mind
Look at the total all-in cost for each camp—including transportation, clothing, gear, etc. Then take all the camps that are over-budget off your list.
Don’t Forget About Day-to-Day Logistics
Think about the location of pickup and drop-off. And, ask about whether the camp has flexibility if you want to take a family vacation.
Do Your Research
Browse through websites—and involve your child, too. Same goes for when you visit camp fairs. As you research, pay attention to interactions with the staff, and the facilities, activities, and counselor-to-camper ratio.
Call or Visit the Camps on Your Shortlist
Most directors recommend visiting your two to three finalist camps. Bring your child and make sure the camp seems clean and well-maintained. Calling the camp director is your next best option—try to dig into factors that aren’t mentioned on the website. The camp should be one your child can enjoy this summer, and for many summers to come.
Need more camp advice? Here are 6 tips from experts on choosing the right camp for your kids.