The NYC Department Of Ed Is Offering Free Meals for Families in NYC
Three free meals are available per day from the NYC Department of Education at various locations throughout the city for any New Yorker who needs them.
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This service is available for households that meet the following criteria:
- No one in the household can go out to get food because they are at increased medical risk or are homebound.
- There are no neighbors or family members who can go out and get food for you.
- You do not already receive meal assistance from other providers (including Meals on Wheels or God's Love We Deliver).
- You are unable to afford a meal delivery or grocery delivery service.
Emergency Food Assistance in NYC
To find the nearest food pantries and community kitchens, call the Emergency Food Hotline at 866-888-8777 or call 311. You can also find locations offering free meals near you using the Get Food NYC map.