What NYC Families Need to Know About Recovery for All
Here's what you need to know about Bill de Blasio's NYC Recovery for All—a plan to get New York City back on its feet post-COVID-19.
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4. Close the COVID Achievement Gap
The "key" to a recovery for everyone is fully opening all schools at the beginning of next year, according to de blasio. Here is the information we have on de Blasio's plan to reopen schools (middle and high schools have still yet to open for in-person learning). Here is de Blasio's plan to close the COVID achievement gap.
5. Community Power in Neighborhood Policing
New York City plans to put in place comprehensive reforms to strengthen neighborhood policing, decrease crime, and deepen bonds between the police and the community. This plan includes a fight back against gun violence, strengthening and expanding the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board, giving communities a voice in choosing precinct commanders, reducing violence, elevating community feedback, and training to put community engagement first.
6. Fight the Climate Crisis
Lastly, de Blasio illustrates his plan to connect fight against the climate crisis with steps including:
- Connecting NYC to clean Canadian hydro power
- Banning new fossil fuel connections by 2030
- De-carbonizing NYC pension funds
- Creating the first-ever NYC Environmental Justice for All Report
- Creating new public spaces for neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID
- Banning cars from the innermost lane of the Manhattan-bound side of the Brooklyn Bridge
- Creating new bike boulevards in every borough
- Making the Open Streets permanent
You can read de Blasio's full Recover for All plan here. You can also watch the video below:
For more information on NYC schools, visit this page.