WNYC Studios Launches Its First-Ever Podcasts for Kids
'This Podcast Has Fleas' recently debuted on WNYC.
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WNYC will follow This Podcast Has Fleas with Pickle, a five-episode ethics series exploring big ethics questions for small people. According to a press release, co-hosts Shumita Basu (WNYC) and Carl Smith (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), along with ethicist Jennifer Morton (The City College of New York), will use humor and storytelling to help kids and families grapple with life’s ‘pickles.’ Pickle is co-produced with the Australian Broadcasting Company, and is an adaptation of the Australia podcast Short & Curly. They’ll tackles questions such as “When is it okay to tell on a friend?” and “Should elephants be in zoos?” According to the press release, recording for the series took place at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, and on the New York City subway.
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